More Kaptain Keen Krap!
Since you could easily buy the entire run of the book for pennies online, I have to include a bunch of "extras" in the book, to make it a worthwhile purchase. I have a whole buncha "bonus features" planned! So, in addition to every single KK story and cover ever published (with typos corrected!), you'll see:
• Many, many early KK strips done during my time as a student in "art" school! (The horrifically primitive sample at right is just one small example.)
• Lots of unpublished "artwork" from unfinished stories!
• Storyboards, model sheets and animation drawings from the underwhelming KK animated short film I did for my senior class project- A film now lost to the ages forever!
• Sketches by ex-Disney animator and my animation teacher Milt Neil, of Kaptain Keen and Mooseboy! Milt was instrumental in improving my clunky designs, and the drawings are great!
• An oral history of Kaptain Keen by yours truly! (I'd like to get some big name to write an intro, but I know of no one worthy that was a fan of the book.)
• An ALL NEW Kaptain Keen framing story, that brings the characters into the 21st century!
• A spectacular* wrap around cover!
• And more (If I can think of anything else)!
That's what all you good folks out there have to look forward to when this book finally gets released. Now all I have to do is write and draw the new story, assemble the whole thing, and get it printed. Piece of cake!
One thing I do need help with is the title, so I'm putting it out to you. Which title do you prefer?:
Please let me know what you think in the comments section. You can also make suggestions of your own for a title. Sarcastic, derisive suggestions are always welcome.
I'll shut up now about this book, and get back to normal blog business, whatever that is. I won't mention this collection again until I have information on how/where/when you can get a copy (or two, or three) of your very own.
Man, now I gotta do this thing...
*Degree of spectacular-ness may be subjective.
Labels: kaptain keen and kompany, milt neil
a framing story to bring kaptain keen into the 21st century...
does this mean you have plans to produce new work with kaptain keen?
i would use the word "komplete" only if the collection is indeed complete. if not, i would go with kaptain keen kollection. that would at least leave the door open for future collections.
I vote, "THE KOMPLETE KAPTAIN KEEN" because it has a cool ring to it (very important in marketing).
Great. Now the vote is split equally three ways. I was really hoping for a zippy new title from someone. Suggestions still welcome!
BTW, eeteed, the answer is, no. I am having enough frussies doing this one story after 25+ years of not touching the characters. After this book, we will most likely never see the Kaptain again. Unless of course, the book sells like crazy- Then, the sky is the limit!
I like The Komplete Kaptain Keen...I think it's cool & to the point. Can't wait for the book!!!
the kollected kaptain keen is another variation that you might consider
I like "The Komplete Kaptain Keen". it's direct and sounds good. Having the chance to draw ol' KK again should be fun for you. You've grown muchly since th' '80's (I think). Looking forward to seeing the finished book, pal!
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