Happy Anniversary, Blog!
Ah, it seems like just yesterday that my dear pal, the multi-talented John, suggested I start a blog as a way to establish my presence in cyberspace. I was a bit leery at first. I was a non-entity professionaly, and I was pretty computer illiterate. He told me not to worry: it was easy to get started, and plenty of other non-entities had blogs. He was right! It was easy to get started, and, professionally, at least, I was even a bigger unknown than I thought I was! In no time though, I smoothed out the more noticeable bugs, and soon this blog became the Cavalcade of Wimsey you all know and love. Or at least check out now and again. I remain cartooning's best-kept secret, though.
When I first began, I had grand notions of posting something new and exciting every day. What I failed to realize was that A) I don't experience things new and exciting that are worth writing about every day, and, B) I'm lazy, and working on this blog takes valuable time that I could be spending goofing off and reading blogs by people who post every day.
I have scaled down my thinking since, and I now try to post at least once a week, although now and again I manage to squeeze out a few more. Quality over Quantity. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
To celebrate the anniversary of this blog, I have a special treat: Over the next few days, I will re-run some of my "classic" posts from the past. For those of you new to this site, it will give you a taste of what this blog is like. For you regular readers, it will give you an excuse to not bother checking out this site for a spell. (PLEASE NOTE: In the grand tradition of this blog, I may not actually follow through on my promise, so don't be too surprised if you don't see any "Blog Classics".)
Seriously, though, doing this blog has been a blast, and I really appreciate all the kind, and sometimes not-so-kind, comments from all of you. As long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing and drawing.
For at least two more years.
Labels: Anniversay, John Forcucci
Congratulations Bill! I read somewhere that most bloggers loose interest and quit their blog after 6months.
I really enjoy reading your posts and drooling over your drawing ability, so keep them coming.
Happy Anniversary, Bill White Cartoons! I am so glad you were born and I have enjoyed you very much! When I found you, I thought you were created just to entertain me & me alone....but it's wonderful to see the posts from other people who also enjoy you! I hope Bill White Cartoons blog continues for many years to come and I, for one, would LOVE to see some classic posts!
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Happy Anniversary, BW!!! Always entertaining - and you're drawings kick my @$$ every time.
TWO years?! I must have missed one . . .
Uhm that's "your"drawings - have always had contraction issues . . .
David, Chris and John-
Thanks for the kind words and ego-boo. If I weren't so manly, I'd blush!
kudos to you!
i enjoy your work very much, and i'm glad your kind enough to share it here with all of us.
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